Unix questions#

… My Python executable is there, and yet I have the following error:
$> myExecutable.py
zsh: command not found: myExecutable.py

The simplest is to designate the executable by its relative path:

$> ./monExecutable.py

where “.” means the current directory.

Python questions#

… What is this story about __main__?

This trick exists in Python so that Python files can act as either reusable modules, or as standalone programs.

… Where does this come from: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-?

Python recognizes this comment as an instruction which defines file’s encoding

… I have more unanswered questions!

Some of the answers given above are taken from the FAQ Python - Club d’entraide des développeurs francophones (licensed under the GNU FDL)

Usual basic commands for Git#

git status

List changed files in your working directory

git log

Show all commits

git commit -am "Why I made it…"

Commit all local changes in tracked files

git checkout HEAD <file>

Discard local changes in a specific file

git push <remote> <branch>

Publish local changes on a remote

For more informations, see Git introduction and git help, man giteveryday or man gitglossary