Wherever in the code, one can insert one-line comments starting with the character #
def powers(x,ps):
result = []
# for each value "p" in the "ps" collection,
# I computes "x**p" and store it into "result"
for p in ps:
return result
Type hinting was added to Python 3.5 and is an additional form to help the readers of your code. Some tools, such as PyCharm, are able to parse this information and help you edit your code.
def powers(x:float, ps:list) -> list:
result = []
# for each value "p" in the "ps" collection,
# I computes "x**p" and store it into "result"
for p in ps:
return result
def powers(x:float, ps:list) -> list:
"""Raise x to each value given in the ps collection."""
result = []
# for each value "p" in the "ps" collection,
# I computes "x**p" and store it into "result"
for p in ps:
return result
Raise x to each value given in the ps collection.
The built-in help()
function displays the docstrings.
Help on function powers in module __main__: powers(x: float, ps: list) -> list Raise x to each value given in the ps collection.
One can also use detailed multi-line strings, following a formatting style. Below, an example using the NumPy/SciPy style.
%%writefile mypowers.py
def powers(x:float, ps:list) -> list:
Raise a value to a collection of powers.
x : float
the value to be raised.
ps : list of float
the collection of powers.
list of float
collection of `x` raised to each value from `ps`.
result = []
# for each value "p" in the "ps" collection,
# I computes "x**p" and append it to "result"
for p in ps:
return result
Writing mypowers.py
!pdoc mypowers.py
/bin/sh: 1: pdoc: not found